Welcome New Patients!

Please print and complete the ‘New Patient Forms’ to save time on your first visit.

Our Cancellation Policy

HIPAA Notice

Health History

Consent Form

Welcome to Maple Hill Dentistry

Maple Hill Dentistry office front

Thank you for visiting our page. On your first visit with Maple Hill Dentistry you will meet our doctor for an interview and examination.

This will include diagnostic xrays, oral cancer screening, periodontal (bone and gum) evaluation and a comprehensive exam to look for cavities and/or cracked teeth. If there is a specific problem you want the doctor to look at, let us know so we can make that a priority. We want to be on your team so we will listen to all of your needs.

Please think about any problems or concerns that you have experienced recently as well as any other relevant needs such as straightening or whitening teeth.

Usually, treatment can be done or started on the same day as your consultation. We would love to save you an extra trip to the dentist. However, a complex medical history or complex treatment needs may require a second appointment to provide treatment on another day.

Please arrive 30 minutes early for your first appointment to fill out health history and consent forms or you can fill them out here.

We look forward to meeting you! 

Prior to Your Visit

image of Maple Hill Dentistry office

Call Now and Schedule an Appointment

Learn more about Maple Hill Dentistry and how we can help you maintain your smile by scheduling a visit today.